Sometimes things don’t seem to be as they should be. At those moments, our inner dialogs are filled with negative attitudes that prevent us from moving forward and enjoying life.

What Negative Attitudes Are

A negative attitude is a misperception about yourself, others, or life, often the result of traumatic experiences, interactions with unfriendly people, or the influence of upbringing and environment.

Negative attitudes are expressed in limiting and unrealistic thoughts, such as: “I am incompetent,” “I am unloved,” and “I am constantly failing.” And these attitudes can be seen not only when we are dealing with some severe challenges but also when we do things we enjoy, even if it’s playing at Ivibet and losing sometimes or cooking our favorite food and it turns out to not be as tasty as expected. These thoughts provoke negative emotions, reduce motivation and self-confidence, preventing the achievement of goals and happiness.


Overcoming negative attitudes is a difficult, but doable, process. Follow the recommendations below to begin and successfully complete the journey to freedom from limiting beliefs.

Where Negative Attitudes Come From

Psychologists believe that negative attitudes originate from childhood experiences. From the moment a child is born, they are receptive to information from the environment and internalize the messages conveyed to them by those around them.

Upon receiving this information, children develop their own set of core beliefs that shape their character and serve as the basis for future decisions and actions. Each person has a unique set of personal experiences, inherited knowledge, collective experiences, or memories from past lives.

Beliefs are categorized into four different levels:

  • Basic beliefs are formed at an early age and are deeply rooted in our psyche, resulting from the training and education received during childhood.
  • Genetic beliefs are passed down through generations and stored in memory, influencing our worldview and behavior even if we are not aware of their existence.
  • Historical beliefs grow out of past lives or collective consciousness, influencing our current beliefs and behaviors even if we aren’t aware of their origins.
  • Soul-level beliefs reflect the true essence of the individual, originating from deep within their nature and defining core values and beliefs. To work at this level, the practitioner must address the soul of the individual, their sacred essence.

Negative beliefs have a devastating effect on personal life, as they undermine self-confidence and prevent the establishment of a healthy and harmonious relationship with a partner.

How Negative Attitudes Affect Our Lives

A negative life attitude is an automatic reaction, conditioned by past experiences, that affects the way we view ourselves, others, and the world. They are deeply held beliefs that trigger corresponding emotions and determine our behavior.

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Simply put, a negative attitude is an automatic function that drives our behavior and reactions. Regardless of their origin, these attitudes significantly influence our lives by directing thoughts and feelings:

  • Limit financial success and entrepreneurial endeavors.
  • Hinder the creation of strong and lasting relationships.
  • Keep you trapped in fear and resistance to change.
  • Take away joy and stifle dreams.

But not everything is as hopeless as it may seem. Attitudes can and should be removed. There are many methods by which you can remove negative attitudes that prevent you from living a happy life.

Examples of Negative Attitudes

There are many negative attitudes that cover different aspects of a person’s life. They can affect one or more areas, affecting one another independently or intertwining to create powerful negative effects.

For example, negative attitudes about personal self-esteem, interpersonal relationships, professional development, and finances are the most common and significantly affect mental health.

A list of major negative perceptions includes:

  • I’m not getting anywhere.
  • No one is interested in me.
  • Nobody cares about me.
  • I don’t have confidence in myself. I feel clumsy.
  • Life is full of threats, and I’m scared.
  • I get hurt, but I can’t fight back.
  • Rich people are bad; money tempts people.
  • Free cheese is only in a mousetrap.
  • Everyone wants to cheat me.
  • People are sick.
  • Rest is laziness; you need to be productive always.

Negative limiting beliefs can vary depending on a person’s characteristics and life circumstances, so this list can go on ad infinitum.

How to Identify Your Negative Attitudes

You’ve probably already been able to identify some of your limiting beliefs listed above. Analyze even deeper into your subconscious attitudes to get rid of them.

Try doing an exercise called “Explanation Note” to help you better understand your beliefs and their impact on your life. You will need a piece of paper, a pen, and about 30 minutes of free time.

Here is what you need to do:

  • Choose one area of your life where you are struggling and failing to achieve the results you want. For example, it could be financial issues.
  • Write down in the center of the sheet of paper the phrase, “Why I don’t want to earn three times my income.” Limiting beliefs are boundaries you create for yourself. Erase them.
  • Start a timer and write down all the reasons why you don’t want to earn three times as much. Don’t limit yourself, write anything that comes to mind, such as: “I don’t want to take on the extra responsibility associated with a higher income,” “I’m afraid that if I earn more, people will envy me or treat me differently,” “I’m not sure I can handle the more challenging tasks and responsibilities that may come with a higher income,” and so on.
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The technique is applicable to a wide range of problems and issues. The responses may be surprising, as the methodology can reveal the underlying feelings and fears behind one’s opinions.

Now you have a list of obstacles that prevent you from achieving what you want. Analyze each statement by asking yourself questions like “Who made me think this?” or “Why do I think this?”.

When considering the constraints holding you back, it’s important to question their origin and validity. Often, the mind cannot provide a logical justification for negative beliefs. Even if a statement is supported by seeming evidence, such as the experiences of others, it may be distorted or misleading.

Why Work With Negative Beliefs

Self-examination of your beliefs helps you identify your true priorities and values. Consider the example of an executive who won’t take a vacation for fear that the company will fall apart without it.

Assume that security, achieved through control and stability, is a prioritized value for the individual and his or her business. However, excessive control may limit employee growth and development, and excessive stability may prevent the business from remaining competitive. The individual should consider reassessing their values and allowing employees more freedom and trust, which can contribute to the growth and success of the business in the long term.

Having negative beliefs can sometimes create a false sense of security and control. It can shield a person from potentially traumatic experiences that they find frightening or dangerous. For example, someone may think that if they don’t constantly make sure their home is clean, something is bound to happen. This belief makes the person feel obligated to keep things in order, which can give them a false sense of security and safety. However, by carefully examining this belief, this person may realize that there are other important areas in their life where they may also feel valued and important, they just haven’t thought about it.

The essence of working with negative attitudes is to question their value and truthfulness. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • To what extent can this be considered objective truth?
  • Are there cases that don’t correspond to this belief?

When people challenge the unshakeable truth of their beliefs, they develop the ability to perceive other points of view and explore alternative approaches to behavior.

How to Get Rid of Limiting Beliefs

To realize the impact of negative attitudes, imagine a person who constantly criticizes you, undermines your confidence, and devalues your abilities. It’s hard to imagine such a person as a friend, isn’t it?

When you engage in self-defeating behavior without any justification, you become your own enemy who constantly demeans you and makes you feel worse about yourself. These destructive thoughts only drive you into stress and do you no good. So, it’s important to recognize negative attitudes and get rid of them.

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For those who are looking to get rid of limiting beliefs that are preventing success in life, here is a seven-step plan:

  1. Identify your limiting beliefs. As you embark on the path of realizing an important goal, such as freelancing, pay attention to the thoughts that appear in your mind. Identify the limiting beliefs holding you back from taking action. Capture these beliefs in writing to gain a deeper understanding of their impact on your decision-making.
  2. Identify the source of your beliefs. Attitudes don’t arise spontaneously. They are shaped by experts, authoritative sources, and those who have influence over us. Identify the primary source of your attitudes and find out who or what is behind them. Is the person who claimed that freelancing is not right for you a real expert on the subject? Do they have the necessary knowledge and experience to justify their opinions?
  3. Analyze the attitudes that limit you. When you discover your limiting beliefs, ask yourself how they benefit you. For example, if you are convinced that freelancing is an unprestigious job, think about whether this has helped you achieve your goals or, on the contrary, has become an obstacle in your path.
  4. Question your negative attitudes. Every time you encounter a limiting attitude, look for evidence to disprove it. Back up your counterarguments with real-life examples of people who have succeeded against these beliefs. For example, stories about high-income freelancers, people who started successful careers after 60, or people who made time for their hobbies.
  5. Visualize your life without negative attitudes. Imagine living without a limiting belief that is holding you back. For example, if you believe you don’t have enough time to freelance, imagine that attitude gone. How would that change your life? What new heights could you reach? How would it affect your view of yourself and your capabilities?
  6. Replace the negative attitude with a positive one. To overcome limiting beliefs, it’s helpful to replace them with opposing attitudes filled with self-belief:
    • I don’t have time for anything. — I have plenty of time that I can use effectively.
    • I haven’t done anything worthwhile. — My work is sure to be liked, and the person will ask for a repeat order.
    • I’m not going to get better than everyone else. — I am constantly developing and becoming better, every year I acquire new professional skills and experience.
    • Freelancing won’t help me earn money. — I can earn as much as I wish working on freelancing. 
    • I started too late. — The best time to start is right now.
  7. Believe in yourself and take action. Your thoughts have the power to shape your actions. When you believe in yourself and your abilities, your thinking begins to change, which leads to a change in your actions.

With each instance of overcoming negative attitudes, you will discover that your fears were just shadows in your imagination. Don’t miss the opportunity to discover how life can blossom when you break free from the shackles of negative attitudes.

By sweety